Tuesday, November 6, 2007


It is pissing down with rain, as the saying goes, throughout the region and Concord is no exception. Polling is slow today throughout the city, according to random rumors spreading across the campaigns.
The firefighters are out with a force of sign holders at various polling places, urging support for Mayoral candidate Katherine Rogers, at-large candidates Merwyn Bagan and Rep. Steve Shurtleff, and Trisha Dionne in Ward 4 [They are probably over in Ward 8 helping Dick Patten but I didn't venture over to the Heights this morning].
Bouley has family, friends, and yeah, a slew of Teamsters, at polling locations across the city, trying to fend off Rogers' supposed union cred. In some locations, supporters for Bouley are three and four deep, despite the rain.
Over at the Ward 5 polling location, Matt and Whitley, Bouley's stepchildren, were hanging out in the morning, greeting voters. Bagan hung around for a bit early on but then left. At-large candidate Al "Tinker" Foy stopped by around 10 a.m. for a short time. School Board candidates Jennifer Patterson and Rick Watrous were also there for a spell before both left to visit other wards.
Both mayoral campaigns seem pretty organized but neither had poll checkers in Ward 5 so they are probably not counting their 1s and 2s and are betting that their supporters will just come out to vote. Campaign volunteers for both candidates were riding around the city, serving up coffee and donuts in the morning. Bouley's campaign came around with sandwiches just before lunch while Rogers' supporters turned away the offer of free food.
"We've got chili coming," noted one firefighter with a big smile.
A group called "Save our Schools" also has homemade signs at some locations around the city touting three School Board candidates as supporters of "neighborhood schools." Interestingly, the group ignored two other candidates in the race who are very strong supporters of "neighborhoods schools," Frank Rosano and Watrous.
This alleged group was reportedly put together by attorney and Democratic activist Charlie Russell. Russell is also a past board member of CCTV, the cable media center which Watrous once ran. CCTV board member Anthony "Skip" Tenczar, a regular apologist for the org, was also spotted at a polling location with Russell, supporting the slate.
So, this begs the question, was the "Save our Schools" slate put together by Russell and his friends to derail Watrous of a chance to serve on the board? Do participants in the "Save our Schools" group know they are being duped into targeting other qualified candidates for the board who also support "neighborhood schools"?
As the old National Enquirer slogan used to say, "Enquiring minds want to know ... I want to know ..."

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