Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lax, I know ...

It's snowing outside ... woo hoo!
I know, I've been lax at posting any red meat on OurConcord of late. But I promise I will soon. Early in the New Year, I'll have an update on the city's new "bag tax"... cough, cough, ahem ... I meant the pay as you throw [PAYT] proposal. And, BTW, still no answer to the question yet and no response at all from my city councilor about the idea. Is his power back on yet? I mean, come on ... :-) I hope to get the answers soon.
In addition, I'll have a piece on the great new renovations at White Park - renovations that I initially thought were a mistake. Well, after looking at what they have done so far, I've changed my mind [I can do that ya know!].
So stay tuned.


  1. Get cracking! I want to know more about the garbage proposals. I thought it was very interesting that a discussion I just saw on CCTV mentioned that the average throw in Concord is 1.6 bags, but when you drive around you see 4 or 5 bags. I wonder what the denominator is for their calculations. Concord seems to have a lot of singleton or other small households, especially downtown in all the sub-divided old houses that are qualitatively different from households outside of downtown. It could well be that folks like me have been subsidized by the law school students. I suspect however, that the heavier trash users are more likely to be voters than the low trash producers. And then there is the issue of how hard the city has made it to recycle.

  2. Good points Ben. I'm getting the low down on PAYT later on today and then I will post something when I get the details.
