Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Alex Lee steps down from County chairmanship

Developing ...
Alexander Lee, the chairman of the Merrimack County Democrats, has resigned from his position according to an email he sent out to supporters and other Democrats.
The details are sketchy at this point why Lee resigned but according to his email, he is "a witness to a complaint against the New Hampshire Democratic Party, resolution of which is pending with the office of the Attorney General."
"I understand that others feel that it is inappropriate for the unanimously elected chair of a county committee to criticize the Governor in my official capacity with this organization," Lee wrote. "Raising $10,000 (usually more like $3,000) in a really good biennium while the NHDP, Senate Caucus, and federal campaigns raise millions for a few select candidates is not a sane pursuit or one that holds aninterest for me any longer, but I know that you will continue to enjoy your picnics and St. Patrick's Day events together."
Lee was reacting to an email sent by Kristin Mueller, the secretary of the Merrimack County Democrats, which stated that if Lee would resign his position by the end of the day Wednesday, he would not be removed from the position.
"After you left Jon Bresler withdrew his motion to accept your resignation," she wrote. "Another motion, this one to remove you as Chair, was made and seconded. An amendment to this motion was made and seconded during discussion. The amendment was that we resolved to strike the record of the vote to remove you as County Chair from the official minutes if you tendered your resignation by the close of the business day today, Wednesday the 16th of September."
Mueller stated: "With the amendment the motion to remove you passed and you were removed as Chair. The group resolved that I would notify you of this vote at the beginning business today."
Mueller's email was sent to the County's Executive Committee's Yahoo list, Ward 5 City Councilor Rob Werner, and Jonathan Bresler.
However, in his email back to Mueller, Lee contends there was no quorum to have the vote to remove him from the chairmanship.
"I am glad that my late arrival at last night's meeting was able to create a quorum," Lee wrote. "It is somewhat unthinkable that all that falderal would have taken place without me had I not driven back from Toronto in time. With all due respect, there was no quorum at the meeting after I left and no authority to do what your version of events claims happened upon my departure. There also were no grounds for removal. I neither neglected, failed, or refused to perform the duties of the office to which I was elected. Read our bylaws and the Constitution of the NHDP."
Lee then notified Mueller that he would resign.
"Nevertheless, I will gladly resign today, as I indicated when I left the meeting last night." he said. "Many people know that I drafted a letter of resignation several weeks ago, but had not sent it yet. Brenda MacLellan has also resigned and others are likely to follow our lead. It is no longer possible for me to carry out the duties of this office without broader support."
In the email, Lee said he would "enjoy" is newfound ability to speak his mind.
"I will continue to labor so that local and county candidates see a fair share of the money raised by and from NH Democrats," he said. "I will continue to advocate for meaningful property tax relief and abolishment of the death penalty, even if it means criticizing our Governor. I will continue to advocate for climate action in advance of Copenhagen and an end to the failed adventure in Afghanistan. I will continue to advocate for the shrinking of Presidential power, even if it means opposing President Obama. It is great to be allowed to say these things out loud without fear of reprisal."

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