Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Most incumbents running again

As the start of the filing period approaches for municipal and school board candidates, a quick survey of the political landscape reveals that most incumbents will be running for reelection.

Mayor Jim Bouley has confirmed that he will be running for reelection in November.

At-Large incumbent and long-time Councilor Dr. Douglas Black says he's 90 percent sure he will be running again, with fellow Republican and Mayor Pro Tempe Dan St. Hilaire, also running.

Ward 1 Councilor Elizabeth Blanchard said she would also be running again.

"It’s become a joke among my colleagues, because I’ve been known to say I will remain on the Council until Penacook is revitalized," she said in an email, "which means I will be hobbling up to my seat with a cane and/or walker."

Both Bill Stetson, who represents Ward 2, and Fred Keach, who represents Ward 10, said they were close to making a decisions about running again.

Ward 5 Councilor Rob Werner, Keith Nyhan from Ward 7, and Ward 9 Councilor Candace Bouchard all confirmed they would be running again.

Ward 6 Councilor Allen Bennett was unreachable via email.

Over on the school board side, two of the three incumbents have confirmed they are running again.

Chairwoman Kass Ardinger said she has really enjoyed serving.
"I look forward to continuing the dialogue with community members," she said, "not just about how best to serve our youngest students in our elementary schools, but also about issues of special education, the growing demands on our schools and staff from economically and socially disadvantaged students and families, the impact of increasing federal and state mandates and regulations, and how all of those things need to be addressed within the realistic confines of a budget based on money raised primarily from local property taxes."
Ardinger said she was interested in "working closely" with city leaders to come up with solutions to problems, such as the aging community spaces, like the Green Street and Heights community centers.
"I think we can find ways to successfully integrate some community uses into the proposed redesigns of elementary schools," she said.

Christopher Casko will also seek another term.
"I feel that I have served the citizens of Concord well, and hope to do so for another 3 years," he said. "In addition, I look forward to discussing the very important issues facing the board going forward."
Casko listed a number of reasons for running including implementing the elementary facilities master plan, passing responsible budgets and making the process as transparent as possible, working with city officials, and developing education policy for the district.

Board member Clint Cogswell did not return an email clarifying his intentions.

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