Monday, October 18, 2010

Get ready for the Concord Christmas Parade

Around Town with Dick Patten
The 59th annual Concord Christmas Parade is scheduled to be held Saturday, Nov. 20 at 9:30 a.m. on the Concord Heights. However, there is a slight problem; the participants are doing very well, in fact Joe Joyce, meteorolgist from WBZ TV 4 Boston will be a grand marshal this year, with more participants every day signing up. The problem is no money. As of today, no donations have been received and I am extremely worried.
I know the parade sponsors from past years including Pineconia Grange, Concord Kiwanis Club, Stove Barn will continue to support it. But am waiting for checks and others such as Rowley Agency, Laconia Savings Bank, Merrimack County Savings to come in. There are not many communities having Christmas parades any more. Let's not lose ours in Concord.
Our parade has become one of the biggest in New Hampshire, if not in New England. We need to raise $4,000 for the expenses. WJYY 105.5 and the Wolf 93.6 are also announcing donors on the air.
Please contact Dick Patten at 496-2917 or James Cusano for information.

The Concord Christmas Tree Lighting Celebration is also making plans for the 24th event at the State House Plaza. Nasseau Broadcasting, WJYY 105.5 and 93.6 Wolf are helping to raise funds for the fireworks display put on by TeleStar from Keene.
I need to raise $8,000 dollars to cover expenses from fireworks, petting zoo, horse drawn wagon rides, music and more.
Please send donations to Dick Patten at 30 Pinewood Trail, Concord 03301.
Also a colored star will be placed on the big Christmas Tree during the evening for people to see. WJYY will also announce on the air all donors and their various designation. This event will be held the day after Thanksgiving, Friday, Nov. 25, at 4 p.m. More events are being planned. I need someone who can do face painting, if anyone is interested. James Cusano is assisting with the planning of the event.

I want to apologize for my absence recently, due to my being seriously sick. I have been trying to recover from bronchitis, ear infections, sore throats, etc. It was not the best time, believe me. I would like to thank Jim Cusano for all he has done.

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