Saturday, November 20, 2010

First Charter Commission meeting

I was unable to make the first Concord School District Charter Commission meeting due to a work commitment but I heard it was a rather slightly sleepy affair, with the board mainly focusing on procedure business. Eight of the nine members were present along with a handful of residents and a couple of school officials in the audience. No media outlets attended the meeting (they don't work on Fridays, don'tcha know).
Former School Board member Betty Hoadley was elected chairwoman, former Concord Mayor Mike Donovan was elected vice-chairman, and former School Board member Martin Honigberg was elected as clerk.
There was some discussion about whether or not the elephant in the room - the scope of the Charter Commission's work - should be batted around, but that was tabled until all members could be in attendance.
The next meeting, scheduled is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 30, and will be the first of two public hearings, requesting input from residents about the issues. A second one will be held in January.

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