Concord City Auditorium's SEASON-OPENING GALA
(A Community Arts Tradition since 1991!) 6pm -- AUDI PARTY AND ARTS FAIR
Outside the theatre: Visit displays of area arts groups and non-profits. Learn what's coming this season and how to join the fun!
FEATURING: A CONCORD COACH -- the first "Concord Stage" drives to the Audi -- the traditional Concord stage. (The first time in years a Concord Coach has been on a downtown street!) ARNIE'S ICE CREAM SOCIAL -- The popular Loudon Road restaurant serves its delicious ice cream to everyone! and then, on the Audi stage at 7pm -- THE GALA VARIETY SHOW An enticing glimpse of the coming attractions -- music, theatre, dance, comedy, magic, film! A fast-paced 90-minute family show starring our most talented neighbors. And the GALA RAFFLE -- 10 prizes totaling $3,000 show tickets and restaurant gift certificates TICKETS JUST $5 On sale now at Gibson's Bookstore and Ballard's Novelty Shop, and by mail to PO Box 652, Concord 03302 Reservations and Info: 225-2164