Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Venator: Support McKay

Editor's Note: This email and letter text was sent to me by Ben Venator:
I have a tendency from my youth to be wary of Republicans (Democrats as well, but for different reasons), but I think that Jim MacKay is the best State Rep in District 11 (Wards 4,8,9 and 10) and if I can do any little thing to make sure that change at the top of the ballot doesn't sweep out excellent public servants farther down the ballot, then I need to do it. I have a sign up in my yard (first time ever for a Republican!) and am asking friends and former supporters to do the same.
Two years ago, I ran for state representative in Concord as an Independent. I remain greatly appreciative of the positive response I received from so many of my fellow residents of Wards 4, 8, 9 and 10 regarding my message of urgency, creativity and across-the-aisle collaboration on health care reform.

I would ask anyone who voted for me two years ago, along with anyone who believes now that health care reform is still urgently needed, to re-elect Jim MacKay, Republican candidate for state representative.

Jim doesn't need another two years to figure things out. Even if Republicans remain the minority party, as I hope they do, Jim has demonstrated that he can lead effectively. In particular, his work on improving the mental health care system in New Hampshire, buttressed by his decades of relevant professional experience, his emphasis on evidence-driven policy making and his fiscal prudence is just plain important.

I don't have to look at MacKay and imagine that he is thinking about important things. His words and actions make that clear.

I am going to vote for most Democrats, although not all those who are on the ballot. I am going to vote for only one Republican, Jim MacKay. Not out of some quid pro quo; there is none. Not because he is a civil, decent guy who has lived in Concord for ages but because he is working to make needed changes. He has more work to do. Please give him the chance.

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